Global Academy Economics

The  Academy of Chartered Certified Economists ™

In Conjunction with the International Board of Standards and the American Academy of Finanical Management, The International Council for Economic Strategy,  and the GAFM Global Academy of  Finance and Management

The ChE Chartered Economist ®  is the Gold Standard of Financial Economics Certification and Standards ....

Our Body is accredited in Europe and ISO 21001 & ISO 29993 Certified.

ChE Chartered Economist ®

The worlds First Economics Professional Designation - SINCE 1996
The Academy is the first to incorporate accredited education and exams as a path to achieving economics science and public policy certification. The ChE Chartered Economist Certification is awarded to those who earn a masters in economics degree from an approved program.

Through special legal standards agreements with the CHEA, ACBSP and standards accreditation agencies, those who have completed relevant degrees, assessment, graduate work and exams at accredited universities and colleges may apply directly for certification.

APPLY TODAY - Email your resume for review to  We can then send an email invitation to you so that you may process your ChE Chartered Economist  Designation and you may receive your  official documents.

ChE  Chartered Economist ® & Certified Economic Policy Analyst
To become Chartered in Economics or Certified as an Economic Policy Analyst, you must have an accredited masters degree in Economics or Financial Economics with at least 18 hours of graduate economics studies  within an accredited Masters or Doctorate Program.


  1. Education:  passing all economics science courses with a 2.5 or higher GPA.
  2. Experience: 3 Years of Economic,  Financial Economics, Governmental, or Public Service.
  3. Accredited Degree from an accredited or governmental recognized program.
  4. Continuing Education
  5. Ethics - agree to the ethics requirements of the Society.
  6. Assessment or approval by the Board an offical nominator and completion of registration.

Apply Now


The Need for Quality Assurance for Public Policy Credentials
In this incredibly competitive world of news, industry, education and government, those with degrees and certification will invariably be prepared to compete for the top jobs and provide news, research, or public service having satisfied high standards.

The Chartered Economist ® and Economic Policy Analyst Designations - In 1997, the Academy created several designations for graduate students to achieve membership and designation for completing the graduate requirements.



Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek. Political economy was the earlier name for the subject, but economists in the late 19th century suggested ' economics ' as a shorter term for ' economic science ' that also avoided a narrow political-interest connotation and as similar in form to 'mathematics', 'ethics', and so forth.





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● Requirements
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● Economics Handbook

Famous Economics Quote

Friedrich August von Hayek, 1974 Nobel Prize Winner

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."

 Chartered Economist ChE

ChE Chartered Economist ®